What is it hiding behind the data

Corporate research

In the time of globalization, implementation and corporate image management is one of the key success factors of every company. Corporate image is strategically important to every company because it attracts consumers to its products, investors to its shares and employees to seek employment.
Corporate image is built by communicating with (potential) product / service users, wider community, the media, trade unions and non-governmental organizations. The communication is implemented through the marketing and PR departments, but also through other company activities.
Due to the importance of corporate image, Hendal has developed a methodology to measure and track:
- Corporate image of the company – includes monitoring of different image parameters on multiple target populations. By integrating all data, we provide tracking through longer period and comparison with the competitors
- sponsorships and donations – research that will optimize the effects of sponsorship and donations by choosing of the most appropriate target group and sponsoring activities that will lead to the desired effect. It also enables evaluation of the influence of sponsorship and donations to the company's reputation and image.
Strategic Research – Industry Dynamics

The need for strategic research of our clients has resulted in the development of our own methodology - Industry Dynamics. This research puts the findings of a classic market research into the broader context of the political, social, economic and industrial environment.
Industry dynamics is actually a synthesis of market analysis, strategic analysis and choice of strategic opportunities for a specific client in the industry or industry segment.
The three main parts of Industry Dynamics:
Market analysis
- offer analysis
- consumption analysis
- demand analysis
Strategic analysis
- external environment analysis
- internal processes analysis
- SWOT analysis
Analysis of Strategic Opportunities
- competitive position of industry / client
- strategic opportunities
- risk assessment
Hendal's strategic research is intended for departments for strategic management of large companies, managements of companies, marketing director(s), associations and state institutions.
Secondary (desk) research

For the purposes of developing a development strategy, it is essential to analyse the trends of the entire market. That is why desk research is being conducted. By desk research secondary data is being collected - using sources such as the Central Bureau of Statistics, industry associations, Internet and other available data.
Along with the above mentioned secondary data, this type of research often includes expert interviews in the analysed area to interpret the collected data and present their expert opinions on future trends.