Who are we

In general
Hendal is 100% Croatian-owned market research and public opinion agency. It employs around 20 experts of different professions and numerous external associates.
Hendal was founded in 1993 and has celebrated its quarter of century of existence in 2018.
The research conducted by Hendal offer added value to clients through proactive approach and development of services adapted to the needs of the clients, because through the individualized approach each client receives the best answers to specific business issues.
In years of experience, Hendal developed a number of proven tools that help clients with:
- Decreasing business risk in decision making on all levels
- Reliable identification of new business opportunities
- Optimization of material and time resources in development and marketing investments
- Adequate and timely response to competitive threats
- Increasing profits through optimization of investments according to consumer needs.
The diversity of Hendal services is also seen in the continuous development of research tools according to the needs and requirements of business, and from the very beginning, Hendal is developing as an innovative market research agency.
The width of business is reflected in accompanying our clients in all markets where the client operates. The offer of the same level of research service quality in the region is achieved through partnerships, particularly through membership in ESOMAR, World Market Research Organization, and Global Market Research, an association of national research agencies around the world.
Hendal is working on projects of leading international agencies (KANTAR, Nielsen etc.) and has been in the team of agencies conducting the European Commission's project Eurobarometer since 2011, covering research in Croatia.
Hendal pays great attention to quality, and has the certificate of ISO 9001: 2015 quality standard since 2001, and since 2007 the industry standard ISO 20252: 2012 specialized for market research. The revision of the ISO 20252:2019 standard is underway. ISO 20252: 2019 includes: sampling including panel sampling, fieldwork, physical observation, self-completion, and data management and data processing.
Hendal highlights the importance of security by conducting business in accordance with the information security management system (ISO 27000: 2012) and active participation in the development of The Personal Data Protection Code of the Market, Media and Public Market Research Agency under the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation.
With orientation on customers and quality, Hendal takes care of the wider community and through participation in the UNDP Global Compact program promoting socially responsible business.
Mission, vision and values
With a professional research approach, partnership with clients and socially responsible business, we provide a reliable insight into the market environment.
We want to contribute to the growth and development of companies through reliable market research and thus emphasizing the importance of all stakeholders in the process of making business and social decisions.
Hendal's key values have been defined as the determinant of work within the company, as well as relations with the outside environment. These values define our corporate culture and represent a set of behaviour of Hendal in whole and each of its employees on the path of vision and mission realization and further development and growth of Hendal.
Key values of Hendal are:
Consistent display of the highest level of personal ethical behaviour.
Create the reputation of Hendal with the highest level of professionalism in business.
Be fully responsible and deal with consequences of undertaken activities; never blame others for your own mistakes.
Encourage the contribution of all employees as well as the sense of responsibility and recognize the merits for performed tasks.
Serve others and lead the team. Do not try to do the task on your own, if a team approach is required.
Continually learn others and from others.
Share knowledge within the team for the benefit of the entire Hendal.
Always show trust in team members and celebrate the success of the whole team.
Suggest and support significant team projects.
Be perceived as a "team player".
Show a strong personal commitment to doing business and achieving goals and fulfilling tasks.
Do the job with enthusiasm and positive energy?
Transfer to others energy and strength.
Do what you need to do in order to get something done even in situations where resistance is present.
Create the foundation in Hendal for steady progress and improvements.
Promote creativity and decisions based on available information.
Do business innovatively to reach technical and market leadership.
Be open to new ideas for improving our business.
Customize our plans in accordance with changing business conditions.
Employees of Hendal by adapting existing methods and techniques in research, together with clients, create new approaches that are optimal for the specific goal of each client. The team employs around twenty professionals from the fields of IT, economics, political science, psychology and sociology who, with their knowledge, experience and market knowledge, advise clients in selecting appropriate methods of research, interpretation of results and understanding and implementation of research findings.
Hendal and its employees are members of a number of professional and business associations through which they are professionally trained:
ESOMAR – International Association for Market Research
Global Market Research – Association of National Research Agencies around the world
Global Compact – Association for the Promotion of Social Responsibility
Hendal's resources
Hendal has a range of human and material resources that enable the implementation of research according to the given quality standards.
Hendal's network of interviewers
The entire territory of Croatia is covered by a network of co-workers qualified to conduct household surveys, on central location, recruiting for qualitative research and mystery shopping.
CATI studio
Hendal owns a well-equipped CATI studio in its own space, enabling high quality training and surveillance of the interviewer by the project manager.
CAPI research
Hendal owns more than 100 tablets that are used for conduction of biggest number of personal research to provide a high level of data quality.
CAPI set up of research on central location
CAPI set up for Zagreb is located in the city centre near the Hendal’s premises, which also provides quality training and supervision of the interviewers by the project manager. The CAPI set up for other Croatian cities is done in cooperation with the regional coordinators to meet the required conditions, depending on the needs of the project.
Qualitative set up
We conduct qualitative research in a specially designed space with the ability to monitor through the AV link and the one-way mirror. If the clients are not able to attend the focus groups in person, the web streaming possibility is at their disposal. Depending on the topic, duration and target group of research, we adapt the accommodation of the respondents.