Segmentation of citizens of the Republic of Croatia 2021 (N =1750)
The technologically aware segment is composed of individuals who, by the nature of their personality, are less relaxed, less spontaneous, and less open towards other people. When it comes to shopping, online shopping or shopping from their couch is important to them, as they consider it simpler and believe it saves time. Furthermore, their online shopping habits fit their lower levels of openness towards others and extroversion. In this segment, there is no differentiation according to diet and health. Concerning free time, technologically aware individuals prefer to spend their time surfing the web, following news sources, chatting, using social networks, or searching for information on internet forums.
Their demographic characteristics, compared to those expected according to the wider population of Croatian residents, show no difference in gender. There are somewhat fewer technologically aware individuals in Dalmatia and areas with fewer than 2000 residents, but there are more of them in Zagreb and areas with more than 100 000 residents. As expected, there are fewer technologically aware individuals in the youngest (16-29) and oldest (60+) groups of respondents.
The generational display shows that this category contains fewer Centennials (Gen Z, born between 1996. and today) and Boomers (born between 1946.-1964.) and Traditionalists (born before 1946.) compared to the general population. On the other hand, this category contains more Millennials (born between 1977.-1995.) and Genx (born between 1964.-1976.) compared to the general population.
The individuals within the responsible segment display responsibility in three directions: responsibility towards themselves, the individual, and the community.
Responsibility towards themselves mostly manifests as a responsibility towards their own health. According to this, these individuals try to make sure they and their family members eat healthy, look for products with natural ingredients and fear chemical additives in food. They take care of their own health by eating and drinking in moderation and try to eat with their families as often as possible. They believe healthy food helps maintain their health in a stressful way of life.
They show responsibility towards the individual in their wisdom. They are reliable, rational, they think before they act, they are sensitive and very tolerant. Even though they feel most comfortable surrounded by family and familiar faces, they place great value in human rights and social freedom, so they also appreciate their own individual freedom.
Their social responsibility towards the community is visible in their socially responsible shopping habits. They prefer to purchase brands that help people, are flexible and empathic towards employees and people in general. Furthermore, they prefer to purchase products from brands that contribute to society, stand up for good causes and provide a safe and clean environment. They also consider it important to purchase from companies that local values similar to their own and those that provide them with a sense of connection to other people or their community.
Tied to their feeling of responsibility, they are also flexible thinkers and are not inclined to choose something only because of familiarity. Even though they are also responsible towards the individual, they can be characterized as closed-off.
Their demographic characteristics show that, compared to the general population, this segment contains significantly more women, more individuals living in cities of 100 000 or more residents, and fewer men and individuals living in areas with fewer than 2000 residents.
The generational analysis showed no differences in shares of different generations within the responsible segment, compared to their shares in the general population.
Inert individuals love everything that is familiar. It manifests in their attitudes towards food and health, products and spending, as well as the ways they spend their free time. It is also visible in their personality, as they are inflexible. When it comes to food and health, they are hedonistically oriented, enjoy food and like to please themselves. They consider flavour more important than a balanced diet and believe healthy food does not taste good. Regarding products and spending, they are traditionalists and price sensitive. They often purchase known brands that have been on the market for a long time, but still pay attention to prices, discounts, and special offers. Their inflexibility manifests in following a routine, a preference for familiar things, predictability, and a feeling of comfort when they blend into a crowd. They consider unfavourable events in life to partially be a result of bad luck and believe they have little influence on what is happening to them. They prefer a peaceful life, with no changes. When it comes to free time, they are characterized by spirituality (prayer, attending spiritual retreats, going to church...), as well as spending a lot of time at home, with their family, doing housework or watching TV.
Compared to the general population, this segment contains more women, somewhat more individuals living in Dalmatia, and fewer from Zagreb. A significantly higher share is from areas with up to 2000 residents, and a significantly lower share is from cities with more than 100 000 residents. Over 60% of them is from the 60+ age group.
The generational display shows more Boomers (born between 1946.-1964.) and Traditionalists (born before 1946.) in this segment compared to the general population.
The segment of “stars” is composed of individuals who are perfectionists. To others, they seem confident, they are not overly responsible and they are occasionally open (extroverted). They display their perfectionism through their attitudes towards food, habits of spending their free time and a personality characterized by tension. For them, healthy eating equals a healthy look, so they take care of their health to look good, maintain their body weight and stay in shape. They are intellectually active, so they listen to classical music and go to concerts and the theatre, follow creative pursuits or do handicrafts, enroll in courses or seminars and read books.
When it comes to sports, they often do yoga, and frequently get involved in charity work. Within their perfectionism is a dose of tension; they often feel impulsive and nervous, expect worse outcomes and believe things are not developing in a way that they would prefer. On the other hand, they seem confident to others, displaying a belief in themselves by making a lot of plans and doing their best to stick to their goals. Regarding attitudes towards shopping, they consider it a necessary evil. They dislike walking around stores, neither to find something they want, nor to discover a sale or special offer.
There are more men within the “stars” segment compared to the general population. By regions, they are equally divided as within the general population. There is a significantly higher share of them in younger age groups (up to 39 years old) compared to the general population, and a lower share of them in older age groups, especially in the 60+ group.
The generational display shows that the “stars” segment has fewer Boomers (born between 1946.-1964.) and Traditionalists (born before 1946.), and somewhat fewer Genx (born between 1964.-1976.) compared to the general population. On the other hand, there are more Centennials (Gen Z, born between 1996. and today) and Millennials (born between 1977.-1995.) in the segment compared to the general population.
The adventurer segment is comprised of individuals that can be characterized as playful and open, polar opposites to the perfectionism within the “stars” segment. Their playfulness manifests in playing various games – from PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, mobile and PC games, to board games such as Monopoly. It’s further visible in their following of YouTubers and influencers, watching streaming services, and engaging in extreme sports. They are anything but workaholics. They dislike obligations and responsibility, consider work to be less important and have less elaborate goals.
Their openness manifests through their personality as they are extroverts, as well as through their shopping habits. They can be described as shopaholics, they enjoy shopping and in their free time they are socially active. When we say adventurers are extroverts, by that we mean that they like to stand out in a crowd, spend time with their friends and lead a dynamic life filled with entertainment. They love new, exciting experiences, trying new things and consider money to be very important. They are shopaholics that enjoy experimenting through trying out new products, brands, following advertisements, purchasing expensive brands, luxury products and promoted products. They often eat out and feel bad if they cannot afford clothing that is currently in style. The social activity of adventurers is visible in their outings to coffee shops, restaurants, clubs, parties, their travels within and out of their country, their attendance of popular music concerts, spending time with their friends and engaging in group recreational activities such as aerobic, fitness or sports.
This segment contains young people from all regions and settlement sizes, significantly more than would be expected in the general population. Consequently, there are fewer older individuals in this segment (especially older than 49 years of age) compared to the general population of Croatia. There are also more male adventurers compared to the general population, and fewer female adventurers.
The generational analysis shows that this segment, similar to the “stars” segment, has a significantly higher share of individuals from younger generations than the general population – Centennials (Gen Z, born between 1996. and today) and Millennials (born between 1977.-1995.).