
Digitization of telephone data collection management system
Project name:
Digitization of telephone data collection management system
Project code:
Short description of the project:
Digitalization of telephone data collection management systems in order to accelerate the process of data quality control by creating reports with data from different sources using Power BI software.
Objectives and expected results of the project:
The implementation of the project will facilitate and speed up the data control process as the required hours of work for CATI (Computer assisted telephone interview) coordinators and staff in the data processing department will be reduced, because the data for analysis will be available in one place with minimal time lag. All this will increase the speed and quality of the data and the speed of reporting to the client, thus making Hendal more competitive in the domestic and foreign markets.
Information on financing, fund and responsible person:
Total project value: HRK 160,650.00
EU co-financing amount: HRK 73,500.00
Project implementation period: 23.08.2019.- 21.11.2019.
Contact person for more information: Marija Stamać Ožanić, email:
More information on the Structural Funds:
More about Competitiveness and Cohesion operative program:
The content of this site is the sole responsibility of Hendal ltd.

Hendal 2020 - a system for collecting, analysing and storing information in the research process
Project name:
Hendal 2020 - a system for collecting, analysing and storing information in the research process
Project code:
Short description of the project:
Market and public opinion research faces the problem of continuously shortening all parts of the process with the requirement to increase precision and quality. The IT communications leap into cloud technology is the answer to these challenges. The goal of the project is to equip the company with state-of-the-art computers and tablets and connect it to services offered on the cloud and through SaaS.
Objectives and expected results of the project:
The implementation of the project will improve the system of collecting, analysing and storing information in the research process, as the project will lead to optimization of Hendal business processes, integration of business functions and efficient organization of workflow. In particular, it will reduce large shipping costs, increase process speed and supplier quality of work, and reduce the cost of field control and increase data security. Ultimately, this will lead to an improvement in interaction with employees, suppliers and customers and an improvement in Hendal's market position.
Information on financing, fund and responsible person:
Total project value: HRK 470,572.00
Amount co-financed by the EU: HRK 181,797.12
Project implementation period: 01/14/2019 - 07/14/2020.
Contact person for more information: Marija Stamać Ožanić, email:
More information on the Structural Funds:
More about Competitiveness and Cohesion operative program:
The content of this site is the sole responsibility of Hendal ltd.